
My Aunt Lucy

 My Aunt Lucy had big blonde hair that wafted around her head like the sticky silk of a drunk spider.

My Aunt Lucy wore her skirts too short, violating the public with fat pink thighs thicker than her waist. 

My Aunt Lucy drew her eyebrows on, and painted her lips with vaseline for a seductively greasy shine. 

My Aunt Lucy wore six inch spike heels that made the fat pink thighs look like cold pork popsicles.

My Aunt Lucy wasn't allowed at our house, but she always gave us new case quarters whenever she saw us on the street. 

My Aunt Lucy died when I was twelve; somebody saw the cold pork popsicles sticking out of a bin somewhere.

My Aunt Lucy got her name in the paper, the sisters chipped in for a longer skirt and buried her in the back end of the yard.

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